Welcome to the Early Morning Meditation Page; here you'll find recordings that were made between March and July 2020.....


These recordings were made when I was unable to take classes. I offered these sessions live on Zoom in the early hours of the morning for free and have put them up here for download as a gift to anyone on the path to freedom. These are a wonderful resource for anyone practicing yoga and or meditation. Please enjoy 🙏

Om Birth Wisdom Guided Meditation / Relaxation for Mamatotos
This is a guided meditation/relaxation for Mamatotos during pregnancy and can be used during birth. Create a quiet space for yourself, preferably use earphones or a good speaker and lie down / sit down / soak in the bath as you listen and drift away......made with love Mjx
Om Birth Wisdom Guided Meditation.mp3
MP3 Audio File 25.5 MB

I Am Free Meditation - 03/04/20
Meditation based on freedom, the attitude of which can carry us through tough times and confinement of any kind.
Based on a meditation by Elena Brower.
I Am Free.mp3
MP3 Audio File 47.3 MB

Full Moon Healing Meditation - 08/04/20
Drawing in the Fun Moon Energy for healing.
Full Moon Healing Meditation .mp3
MP3 Audio File 66.4 MB

Ajapajapa Meditation - 10/04/20
A meditation that harnesses the mind to the repetitious intoning of a mantra. This practice helps to lift us from basic levels of awareness to higher states of meditation.
4:10:20 - Ajapajapa Meditation.mp3
MP3 Audio File 57.5 MB

Hridayakasha Meditation #1 13/04/20
Meditation on the spiritual heart
Morning Meds 13:04:20.mp3
MP3 Audio File 68.8 MB

Hridayakasha Meditation #2 15/04/20
Meditation that is focused in the spiritual heart.
Morning Meds 15:04:20.mp3
MP3 Audio File 63.7 MB

Kaya Sthair Yam - Sitting In Stillness (Tantric) 17/04/20
One of the premium meditation practices that sets you up for all meditation and pranayama. This version is from the Tantric tradition
Kaya Sthair Yam.mp3
MP3 Audio File 56.6 MB

Awareness of Stillness - 20/04/20
A lovely soft practice exploring the stillness of the body and the inevitable quietening of the mind.
Awareness of Stillness.mp3
MP3 Audio File 56.1 MB

Kaya Sthair Yam #2 - 22/04/20
A longer version of last Fridays practice. These practices of stillness / Kaya Sthair Yam are foundational for having a deep meditative experience. Without the ability to maintain stillness it is very difficult to go deep into self inquiry and meditation.
Kaya Sthair Yam - Tantric #2.mp3
MP3 Audio File 48.3 MB

Kaya Sthair Yam #3 - 24/04/20
This version was taught to me by my first teacher Maaida Palmer and is still a favourite practice, simple in that is has few instructions yet very deep, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy leading it.
Kaya Sthair Yam - Maaida.mp3
MP3 Audio File 62.0 MB

Blue Sky Meditation - 27/04/20
Blue sky meditation reminds us that the mind is innately quiet behind all of the dross. Enjoy...
Blue Sky Meditation.mp3
MP3 Audio File 57.0 MB

Meditation For Support - 29/04/20
A meditation dedicated to this time of uncertainty as you move from the initial shock of what has been going on, through fear and disbelief and now 'whats next? I know that a lot of you are feeling like you have lost control of your life, however there is a possibility you never had it anyway Meditation brings you into an energetic state of remembering and this meditation helps you to remember that you are held Inspiration for this meditation comes from Elena Brower.
Meditation for Support.mp3
MP3 Audio File 60.8 MB

Living Life in the Breath - 01/05/20
This is a beautiful breath centred practice from the lineage of Tarthang Tulku.
Living Life in the Breath.mp3
MP3 Audio File 57.7 MB

Thoughts Like Clouds - 04/05/20
A beautiful meditation from Sally Kempton's book, Meditation for the Love of It. An gentle exploration of your mind and thoughts......
Thoughts Like Clouds.mp3
MP3 Audio File 57.0 MB

Thought Watching - 06/05/20
Thought Watching from the Turiya Yoga lineage. My teacher Maaida Palmer taught me this from the very first classes I went to :) Enjoy.
Thought Watching - 06:05:20.mp3
MP3 Audio File 51.9 MB

The following four practices are wonderful if you find that your mind just won't quieten down for traditional meditation or visualisation. The theory of training the mind through the use of breathing and counting patterns has long been employed to balance the fluctuations of the mind.

Breath Centred Meditation/Pranyama - 08/05/20
This practice delves into the breath, using patterns to balance the breath and quieten the mind. One then observes the stillness and inner silence that occurs as a result. Enjoy xx
Observation Practice #1.mp3
MP3 Audio File 63.4 MB

Laya Breathing - 11/05/20
A breath centred practice that requires deep focus on the natural breath with a counting pattern. My understanding is that the focus required helps to balance thought patterns and instills deep inner quiet. This practice is a wonderful segway into the following two practices - Z Pattern #1 & #2.
Laya Breathing.mp3
MP3 Audio File 55.2 MB

Z Pattern #1 - 14/05/20
Z Pattern is a Zen Buddhist practice that also uses the breath and a counting pattern to still the mental activities. The first practice is the traditional version.
Z Pattern #1.mp3
MP3 Audio File 55.1 MB

Z Pattern #2 - 20/05 20
Following on from the traditional version (above) this was a variation that my teacher Maaida Palmer taught, enjoy.
Z Pattern #2.mp3
MP3 Audio File 58.4 MB

Ujjayi breathing & Awareness of Chitakasha - 22/05/20
Another beautiful breath centred practice using Ujjayi breath with awareness of the spine and chakras (foundational variation of chakra shuddi) then drifting into chitakasha focus.
Ujjayi & Chitakasha Awareness.mp3
MP3 Audio File 54.5 MB

Sat Guru Meditation #1
This meditation is a combination of practices from Sw Jnaneshvara (Pratayahara Meditation) and Ram Dass (Sat Guru). This is the first part as its a long meditation. I will put up the full meditation later this week. The practice starts with a prayer from Pixie Lighthorse - Honouring Grace (Prayers of honouring - Voice). Enjoy
Sat Guru #1.mp3
MP3 Audio File 60.1 MB

I would like to acknowledge all of the indigenous cultures, spiritual practices and rituals that have informed my understanding of what it means to be walking this life as a conduit between heaven and earth, consciousness and the Great mother.


Let us pay tribute to the spiritual lineages and collective ancestry that has drawn us to each other.


I would like to acknowledge how beautiful it is to live on Worimi Country and I hope that the spiritual work I do

in some way supports the indigenous cultures of this land, sea and sky. 


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